Vault users guide

Participating companies

Vault is used by participating listed companies to manage their alerts and events, their alerts database, and their investor website content.


Users can join Vault by clicking on the “Register for Alerts” link on participating companies websites.

Once you’ve logged in and completed your profile build, you will automatically join the company group.

Please be as comprehensive as possible in creating your profile, as the more the company knows about you, the more tailored the communications.

Existing users simply need to login to join the company group, after clicking on the “Register for alerts” link.

Joining groups

After you have created your profile on Vault you can join as many company groups as you like by clicking on the Groups link in the top navigation, and selecting groups to join.

You will automatically receive alerts of stock exchange announcements from the companies whose groups you join as well as other alerts at their discretion, from participating companies. Additional reports and other investor information is available in the groups of participating companies.

A participating company group administrator (typically the investor relations officer) can also add you to their group if you previously indicated to them directly that you would like to receive alerts from their company. Your profile details will be visible only to the administrators in the company groups that you join, or have been joined to.

All companies from every major African exchange are listed on Vault.

Your Dashboard shows the statutory announcements and calendar dates from the company groups you have joined, as well as those events you have RSVP’d to.

Should you have any queries, please contact Vault CEO, Simon Hammerton, directly.

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