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Start profile steps | Start profile steps – The Vault
How to get the best out of your Vault

The Vault provides a platform for the fast and efficient exchange of information between 1 200 sub-Saharan listed companies and the investment community.

If you came in on a link from a company website then complete your profile build and log in - you will automatically join the company group. Existing users simply need to login to join the company group.

Please be as comprehensive as possible in creating your profile, as the more the company knows about you, the more tailored the communications.

After you have created your profile on Vault you can join as many company groups as you like by clicking on the Groups link in the top navigation, and selecting groups to join.

You will automatically receive alerts of stock exchange announcements from the companies whose groups you join as well as other alerts at their discretion, from participating companies. Additional reports and other investor information is available in the groups of participating companies.

You can message your investor relations contacts directly from Vault, in the relevant group view.

Your Dashboard shows the statutory announcements and calendar dates from the company groups you have joined, as well as those events you have RSVP'd to.

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